This work is an outgrowth of the Route Map Graphics
work completed in 2000. I wanted to produce a series of paintings
depicting the crossing, in downtown Boston, of the four subway
lines — Red, Green, Blue and Orange.
Plan and elevation drawings were made of the four subway lines
to determine their size, slope and spatial relationship. Four additional
drawings were made to depict a corner view, allowing two elevations
to be shown on a single graphic. These became the layout instructions
for the paintings.
A white cardboard model was constructed to depict the subway lines
three dimensionally. The model was sized to fit into a cube approximately
seven inches on a side. To evaluate the model's shadows, photographs
were taken of it under four different lighting conditions. The
photos with the most dynamic shadows were enlarged to depict the
four corners
and afternoon
The shadow lines were added to the previously made corner drawings
and areas of the drawing were marked to indicate the type of light
being received — full light, lightly raked light, deeply
raked light and shadow. Paint colors were selected for each primary
color and for each of its lessening light conditions. The paint
color names were written onto the appropriate areas of the drawings.
In downtown Boston, the subways' crossing generates stations which
are, in the southwest, Park Street, in the northwest, Government
Center, in the northeast, State Street, and in the southeast, Downtown
Crossing. In the paintings, the stations are shown in yellow resting
between the various subway colors. The paintings take their names
from the station centered in each depiction.
Malcolm Montague Davis